post whatever you want
i wish i was watching tv rn
Age 90
Joined on 6/25/05
Posted by tehslaphappy - July 4th, 2010
I would appreciate it someone got me this two things. ct/sick-animation-the-cd-the-ultimate-
party-collection-vol-1 ct/new-cd-sex-drugs-and-rock-n-lol
And if you won't buy it for me, BUY IT FOR YOURSELF. GO SUPPORT MARC M.
/* */
also i don't have a birthday.
Posted by tehslaphappy - June 28th, 2010
I forgot your 5th birthday here.
Posted by tehslaphappy - June 17th, 2010
I've been listening to music recently and I thought I should share some of the tunes I've been listening to.
The Avalanche - Frontier Psychiatrist
/* */
RJD2 - Deadringer
/* */
Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me
/* */
Keith Mansfield - Morning Broadway
/* */
MysteryGuitarMan - Looping Around
/* */
Posted by tehslaphappy - June 7th, 2010
Artist That Need Icons Done: cons m/flashicons ons shicons
Posted by tehslaphappy - June 7th, 2010
Sup d00dz and d00dz pretending to be females.
Need some icons done? Drop me a Pee Em and I'll hook you up!
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