This list is purely for my sake, so I can keep track of everyone.
wreckages = Jon
RobotTaco = Odio
Esshole = Narcissy
Diddy = PeterM
ChocEliteBar = Drake
Digital-Terror = Cordyceps
GoldenT00ns = Prodigy
Frank-The-Hedgehog = Fluffington
stick101 = logic
GodsBitch = Dean
stickman08 = Yert
JustinB6 = Drony
NinjaDonut = Donut
Lagamuffin = Oliver
Yamor = Cootie
xXShortEmoKidXx = Scarface
Ss2-teen-gohan-ss2 = Impornant
I-rule-over-all = Heretic-Anchorite
Dante-Son-Of-Sparda = Tony-DarkGrave
flashwarrior = Boss
GayForGirls = Damien
RKthrilla = Alaska
Corky52 = Fro
TSstudios = DannyJay
Molotov = illuminate
rorypearce94 = Rory
Itsbroken2 = BrokenPaw
ShadowWest2k7 = ShadowWest
Headshot777 = Irrelephant
MissingNYC = DevourerJay
PrivateJoker92 = MattyT
Guest8792 = Urban-Champion
rahvin-the-vampire = Senmetsu
Sk8erGirl14 = amanda
LoKoCoCo = CoCo
Ejit = EjitinToadForm
bloodspade = Mason
FunnyStuff707 = SimpleStuff
kaywire = Armour
Madnessfreak = Shade
Jerrid22 = NerdLiife
Niloc14 = Colin
KevnSevn = Kevin
XxRobJohnsonxX = RobJohnson
Aerosmith220 = SteelChair
domo48 = Domo
pie4me6 = Ptero
Twilight95 = Twilight
EJRProductions = EJR
THEJamoke = Jamoke
God some of these are horrible name changes. I mean...damn.
If you aren't on here, I either don't know about your name change, or I don't recognize you by your old name nor your new name. PM me with some proof of who you were (like someone quoting you in an old thread) and I'll add you.