Well I was planning going to the Comic Con this summer but things have come up where I need some advice. I was going to go on a band trip, where band members at my school go to on a trip for competition and fun stuff. This year it's to Universal Studios in Orlando and I've never been there plus other stuff. Here's the Pros n' Cons of this dilemma.
Band Trip Pros
Become more social
Ask someone out I'm probably never going to see again [that's another story]
Get in good with the other band members
Comic Con Pros
Meet NG members including TomFulp, KevnSevn, Luis etc.
See the wonders of Comic Con
Go to San Diego
First Time on a plane
Band Trip Cons
Play music I can't get right
Fail miserably at asking out someone [again another story]
Look like an idiot at trying to be cool
Comic Con Cons
Cause awkwardness within NG members
Not see the wonders of Comic Con
Plane crash [biggest con]
Help! I have no idea which one is more important.
Dont worry about it so much. Just think of it as which one would you enjoy more. No matter what, you're gonna get a kick out of one (if it is even possible for you to go to comic con.) Plus, it'll be more than likely to ride some kickass rides there at Universal. Or you can get social with some Newgrounders and see what they're really like (come on, they wont flip you off!)
You got some good points.