i ain't doing shit but gettin' fucked with tha boiz.

Here's an ACTUAL real life update since I'm here: I got two jobs now, but they are pretty cool and not that too stressful, plus hella $$$ is coming in (TO BE DETERMINED). Can't really grow facial hair, that kinda sucks. I got a haircut for the first time in like 3 years and the barber I had didn't cut my hair how I wanted him to. I told him I got this job at a hotel and he was all like "yooo dat hair gots 2 go lil niga u aint gon' get a job with dat haircut" even though I already got the job. Then this barber fucking shaves part of my psuedo-mustache off. Ugh, I hate haircuts.
I've been hanging out downtown and drinking a lot more. I used to not do that, but now I'm just like FUCKITMANE. Whenever I get drunk, I spend way too much money on people and things I shouldn't spend money on. I ended up spending too much money on somebody that clearly wanted nothing to do with me, but that it's own story for a whole other newspost.
I hate clubs, I've learned. The first time I ever went to a club, this lady looked me up and down and then put up these two fingers that her body molded together since she was a baby, and then shoved me with ZERO motivation. I didn't like that at all. Fuck that lady.
I feel like this Halloween coming up is going to be the first one that I'll be able to go out and do stuff. Kinda stoked about that. Got ripped off at this show I hosted last night which I was very against but still had a fun time. I'm just rambling now.
I think I'm gonna actually start using this shit as a blog. Maybe. Whatever who cares.
catch ya'll around.