I was with my girlfriend a couple of days ago and we were talking about Newgrounds and you came up in the conversation. We were discussing how you make animations and games. I showed my girlfriend you're animation, 'KevnSevn's Hawt Day'. We I started laughing at it she looked at me and said, 'Why the hell did you find this funny? It's so racist!' Then I replied, 'Why are you being so uptight about it? It's hilarious!' She got mad and started arguing with me until I smacked her across the face. She fell on the floor and started running for the door until she tripped and fell. I realized I could let anyone know I hit her so I took a glass bottle and smashed it across her head. I thought she was knocked out until I saw the blood from her head poor out. I went and dragged her into the backyard and put her body in my mom's car trunk. Knowing my mother would be blamed for the murder I quickly rushed inside and locked the doors.
The next day I found out my mom saw the body and was sent to jail later that evening. I went to talked to my dad about it and he was in a complete mental breakdown. He didn't know what was going on. I tried to talk to him but he pushed me away and told me to go to bed. In the middle of the night I hear a gunshot in my parent's room and I found my father to be dead with a gunshot to the head. As I saw the horrific scene I packed all my things and got on my bike and just pedaled away. Pedaled away until all the troubles were gone. I stopped at a local grocery store and saw this girl I really liked and I was talking to her and she happened to bring up all that happened. I didn't want to tell her what had really happened so I asked her to come to my house just to look at an animation. An animation called 'KevnSevn's Hawt Day'.
As I looked at her she busted out in tears and said, 'WHY DOES THIS MOVIE EXIST? IT IS SO OFFENSIVE! OMG!'. I picked up a knife and just slit her throat. As I sat and watched her bleed out I just looked back on all the drama and evilness that had happened. I was thinking about all the murder and sadness that had happened then I realized. This is only one person's fault. One person and one person alone. Luis motherfucking Castanon. Thus the search goes on....
Based on a [not] true story.