Lets think about this for a second, are the standards for flash animation are too high? Let me break it down.
People nowadays think that art should be more realistic.
If people were to see a animation, let's say made by a Wacom tablet, people would think that the movie would be worth watching.
As in a movie drawn by a mouse, unless your Luis , people wouldn't be all that interested.
The old days were when people used tweening often. Now there's "Frame by Frame" and the "V- Cam".
You could make a character tween all across the screen and people would love it, but now some People expect FbF.
The Movie Themselves:
If a movie had a good story, and somehow bad animation, then, people would like it. Now They want both good story and animation.
If I submitted my movies back then in old NG, I would be a famous author, but now the script is flipped.
Authors like Stamper or JohnnyUtah can submit absolute crap, and people would love it.
Please don't take this as a rant, just an observation.