Original idea from Twilight95.
Newgrounds Stuff I've Learned
I will never reach level 60.
Females on Newgrounds have more of a life than the males.
New users will never get how the BBS works.
Gagsy likes black nerds.
Twilight95 does not like Twilight.
THEJamoke is the master for photoshopping.
Poozy is a nice guy if you get to know him.
Mindchamber hates people who trace.
Moderators do not care about you.
Paltalk is the official Newgrounds chat.
Flash movies and games run this site.
Newgrounds loves Street Fighter.
Luis is not mexican.
There's a place for everything here on this site.
Wade has goatee at all times.
KevnSevn is awesome.
Spammers are people too.
Stamper hates and loves these users at the same time.
General forum is going to shit.
Flash forum is still the same.
Art forum is better.
Make a topic about wanting to be mod, and you officially are an idiot.
The FAQs will save your life.
Mindchamber is not black.
JohnnyUtah is just here ignoring you.
Moderating is stressful.
Life Lessons I've Learned.
Being nice isn't very helpful.
Women can be real bitches.
Dating is not important.
School sucks, but you gotta do it.
Teachers don't like it when you doodle in class.
Words are weapons.
Movies are soo fucking expensive.
People don't like Hip-Hop as much as they used to.
Rap sucks, Hip-Hop is way better.
Money is what I really need.
People don't like black/white guys.
Homemade egg rolls are delicious.
Duct Tape will save your life.
Murder is fun to talk about, not cool to do.
Racism is only beginning.
Seriousness is for fags.
Muffins = Cupcakes - frosting.
Cake =/= Pie.
Lies will help you and fuck you at the same time.
I'm working on getting shit fixed so I can start animating.
That's it.
blahwhatdahellisthisguytalkingaboutbla hbleebloo